guardhouse - meaning and definition. What is guardhouse
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What (who) is guardhouse - definition

  • Berlin]], 1984
  • Graveyard Guardhouse introduced in the 1800s to prevent body-snatching
  • Gunma University Kiryu Campus (Kiryu City, Gunma, Japan). Built in 1915.
  • The Hyakunin Bansho (former guard house) inside the former Imperial Palace, [[Edo Castle]]) was staffed by 100 [[samurai]].
  • Guardhouse, [[Royal Military College of Canada]]
  • [[Saint Michael's Castle]] guardhouse in [[Saint Petersburg]], Russia

¦ noun a building used to accommodate a military guard or to detain military prisoners.
·noun A building which is occupied by the guard, and in which soldiers are confined for misconduct; hence, a lock-up.
A guardhouse (also known as a watch house, guard building, guard booth, guard shack, security booth, security building, or sentry building) is a building used to house personnel and security equipment. Guardhouses have historically been dormitories for sentries or guards, and places where sentries not posted to sentry posts wait "on call", but are more recently staffed by a contracted security company.



A guardhouse (also known as a watch house, guard building, guard booth, guard shack, security booth, security building, or sentry building) is a building used to house personnel and security equipment. Guardhouses have historically been dormitories for sentries or guards, and places where sentries not posted to sentry posts wait "on call", but are more recently staffed by a contracted security company. Some guardhouses also function as jails.

Examples of use of guardhouse
1. A scrum of suits forms each morning inside a cramped guardhouse beside the main gate.
2. The engineer from YTO waited impatiently inside the guardhouse, shifting from foot to foot.
3. Flags flew at half mast at the base while local people left messages at the guardhouse.
4. During the disturbances, one demonstrator set fire to the wooden guardhouse used by the presidential guard, or Evzones, who stand sentry in front of Parliament.
5. At the White House, you flash the tag out on Pennsylvania Avenue and a uniformed guard buzzes you through a locked gate and then into a guardhouse.